CST Antlers Long Elk Antlers are made with large breed dogs in mind. Newfoundlands, Mastiffs, Great Danes, Bernese Mountain Dogs, German Shepherds, Labs, Huskies or Dogs over 100 pounds.
It is important for dogs to chew an antler in proportion to their size. This will help the antler last longer and hold up to the big dog's powerful chewing. Big dogs need big antlers!
Choose a Split Elk Antler for a dog who is a lazy to average chewer, puppy or senior dog. Antler marrow is exposed and easy to get to.
Choose a Whole Elk Antler for a heavy chewer. Antler marrow is more challenging to get to and will keep the dog busy chewing for more.
Choose an antler size based on the dog's weight. You can always choose a size bigger than your dog for more of a challenge, but it is not safe to go down a size. For instance, if your dog normally chews our Monster Elk Antler XXXL size, you could increase to this size to challenge them with more mass and length to manage.
For more help choosing the right antler for your dog, see our guide here.
Our "Long Elk Antlers" are each listed uniquely. The item pictured is the item that will ship. Check each listing below for detailed pictures and size comparison of each antler.